Message from Interim Principal Dr. Herbert Walls
Week of Sept. 27th-Oct.1st 2021
Learner Profile
This month our IB learner profile is Open-Minded. Being
Open-Minded helps you learn and grow, as well as strengthen your
belief in yourself. It opens opportunities to learn about others
and how they live and why they believe the way they do. It
allows you to gain knowledge and become aware of the world around
you. This knowledge and awareness may result in Action in the
form of a Lifestyle Choice — it may change how you perceive
and interact with people; it may change what you buy or the
businesses you frequent; it may change how often you wash your
car; it may even change your eating habits! Be open to
learning something that will impact the choices you make in your
day-to-day lives. Read on for our IB PYP
• Thanks to our PTSO volunteers who planned last Friday’s Back to School picnic. Jill Olmstead, Carla Gaub, Courtney Hurd — you’re awesome!
• Very excited to share that music enrichment classes are back on campus. Mrs. Fitzpatrick has begun working with our musicians. Ask your student about music when you have a moment! Also be sure to ask your learner about the International Day of Peace, which was celebrated last week. As an IB school, this is an important day to recognize.
• Many of you have asked about extracurricular activities. Although the district is not offering basketball or football this season, they hope to offer those sports in the spring. If you are interested in local sports opportunities, River Park is offering fall ball and Athletes in Action will begin pods in October. Other on campus opportunities, like Dream enrichment, will be up and running on campus in October.
• We’ve also gotten questions about performing arts. As of now, Young Actors Stage is booked to begin rehearsals for a play in January with performances in May.
• The Caleb Greenwood Jog-a-Thon is coming up on Friday October 15. We have some incredibly generous corporate sponsors who invested in this event to get every kid and every teacher a free Jog-a-Thon shirt. Next week we will launch an online spiritwear fundraiser for families and community members who might want to purchase spiritwear for themselves. Stay tuned. A huge thank you to our sponsors:
Platinum Sponsors
Better Homes and Gardens Rex and Shelley
Dreyer Babich Buccola Wood Campora LLP
Elise Brown at Coldwell Banker
Rich Cazneaux at Coldwell Banker
Szymanowski Orthodontics
The Woolford Group
Gold Sponsors
The Ferrera Law Firm
PineCove Tavern
Sac Smiles- Alex Mercado DDS
Smith, McDowell & Powell (SMP) a Law Corporation
Surety1- Ryan Tash
Bronze Sponsors
RG- Raudelunas Group
West Insurance Brokers- David Wood
Interim Principal
Friday, September 24th was Charlotte Chadwick’s last day at
Caleb Greenwood. Ms. Chadwick helped teachers, staff and students
get off to a great school year. As we continue our search for a
new principal, we are excited to welcome Dr. Herbert Wells.
The following is a short bio:
Dr. Herbert Walls is a retired administrator, who has been a teacher, vice-principal and principal for 53 years with the last 35 years at SCUSD. He has served as a teacher and administrator across all segments, elementary, middle, and high school, as well as being a special Education Director in Los Angeles with non-public schools. In the last 15 years, he has returned to SCUSD to support principal vacancies and to coach new principals at 12 different schools.
El Dr. Herbert Walls es un administrador jubilado, quien ha sido
maestro, subdirector y director durante 53 años con los últimos
35 años en SCUSD. Se ha desempeñado como maestro y administrador
en todos los segmentos, primaria, secundaria y preparatoria,
además de ser director de educación especial en Los Ángeles con
escuelas no públicas. En los últimos 15 años, ha regresado a
SCUSD para apoyar las vacantes de directores y entrenar
a nuevos directores en 12 escuelas diferentes.
Please see the message below about the relocation of our
Care Room.
On Friday, September 24, 2021, SCUSD Risk Management did
assessment on our Care Room and COVID Testing location on
and at the back of the stage and found that it does not
meet SPHD nor SCUSD standards relative to distancing and
ventilation guidelines. We were ordered to relocate the
Care Room to room B-1 on the Carmellia Avenue side of the
school at Gate D. One of the Care Room Assistants, Kaitlin
or Mahmood will monitor Gate D at all times, the other will be in
the Care Room to serve students and staff. Please continue
to call the front office to notify staff you are bringing your
student for testing. The changes are underway as of
Saturday, September 25, 2021, and should be ready for
implementation as early as Monday, September 27, 2021, at 7:45
Atención padres de Caleb Greenwood,
El viernes 24 de septiembre de 2021, SCUSD Risk Management
realizó una evaluación en nuestra sala de cuidados y la ubicación
de las pruebas COVID en y en la parte posterior del escenario y
descubrió que no cumple con los estándares de SPHD ni SCUSD
en relación con las pautas de distanciamiento y ventilación. Se
nos ordenó trasladar la sala de cuidados a la sala B-1 en el lado
de la escuela Carmellia Avenue en la puerta D. Uno de los
asistentes de la sala de cuidados, Kaitlin o Mahmood
supervisará la puerta D en todo momento, el otro estará en la
sala de cuidados. Espacio para servir a estudiantes y
Los cambios están en marcha a partir del sábado 25 de septiembre
de 2021 y deberían estar listos para su implementación el lunes
27 de septiembre de 2021 a las 7:45 a.m.
Dr. Herbert Walls
Director interino
Escuela IB Caleb Greenwood
Dr. Herbert Walls
Interim Principal
Caleb Greenwood IB School